Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What's wrong with this picture??

My sister was over today and the kids were playing with balloons and Blake comes in with a balloon in his shirt and says he looks like me. Then Tanner of course needs to have one in his shirt too. Apparently I look like that to them now. Tanner also keeps telling me after he eats that his tummy is sooo full and that he has a baby inside that is named Blue. They are so funny. I took a picture of them with their babies and then one of me to compare. I am almost 27 weeks and am already feeling huge. Blake felt the baby kick the other day and thinks that is so neat. He is always touching my belly and asking if she will kick or punch him. They are already playing with each other its so neat to watch his face whenever he feels her move. Its fun too because I have someone to be excited with me because Kyle gets wierded out by the baby moving around. I am excited to see my boys with their sister and see how they are with her. 3 more months ................

Monday, April 20, 2009

1st time Bowling

     I finally beat Blake at bowling. I had totally lost my confidence after playing months of Wii bowling against my professional bowling son. Kyle had another random day off so we took off to Atwater to go bowling. Of course with our luck half of Atwater had no power. A bunch of buildings were dark and street lights were out. And of course the one bowling alley in Atwater had now power or lights. We drove for a bit looking for another place to bowl and then decided to have an early lunch and let the kids play at mcdonalds play land. They had fun and the bowling alley was up and going by the time we were done. The boys were so excited the just kept grabbing balls and wanted to throw them down all the lanes. Finally they figured out the turn thing and we only had to contain Tanner a few times. I was the winner in the first time in forever, actually it probably was the first time. The boys were excited and yelling each time they hit pins. They had the rolling thing at first which they thought was fun. Then Kyle showed Blake how to throw it and so of course thats how Tanner wanted to to it too. They are strong little guys and were throwing the balls as far as they could. Tanner would put is arms up in the air and yell after each time. He would stomp his little foot when the ball wouldn't go far. They both had little bowling shoes and thought that was so cool. Fun times!!!!

Oakdale Rodeo

          I haven't been to the rodeo since I lived in Wyoming. It was so much fun. Tanner was in heaven he is so into horses and cows right now. Blake got a little bored and wanted to keep going to the "stores" to look for toys and buy treats. Tanner sat on my lap and didn't move almost the whole four hours. I think his favorite was the bull riding. My sister kept laughing everytime a new bull and rider came out of the chutes. She said Tanner was making the funniest faces each time. She got down in front of us and took a picture right when a bull came out and this was the shot we got. It was so fun to spend time as a family. Kyle came with us and my niece Marissa also. My sister was there with her family all decked out in Cowboy gear. I am so doing that next year. When we got home from vacation Blake pulled out the elephant we have and wanted his cowboy shirt on and a number on paper on his back. I wasn't able to get a picture of Blake but Tanner was doing it the rest of the day so got a bunch of him. He gets on wraps his rope around and says nice bull and then proceeds to buck himself of and roll and do flips on the ground. It is hilarious. Its funny to watch what they remember. Going to the rodeo brought back so many good memories for me I am definitley going to try and take atleast my little cowboy Tanner next year!!