Okay I like to blog but with dial up I have missed a few months. I did do some blogs and my poor computer ate them so I am trying again with the latest news=). My little Blake is growing up so fast. He finally lost his first tooth this last week. His other tooth had already come half way in before we even started wiggling it. Both Blake and I were wimps about getting it out. It took good ol daddy to yank it out. Blake told us he didn't want us wiggling it that he wanted us to tie it to the door. Who knows where he got that idea. We tied it to a string and asked him if he wanted us to just pull it, he was very firm that he wanted it on the door. So daddy tied it to the front door and slamed it and his itty bitty tooth was hanging on the string. Blake was in shock and Kyle and I were yelling. He just stood there and asked if it came out. We told him the tooth fairy would come and bring him some money, Tanner said he wanted some money to so Blake told him he needed to pull out his teeth. ( Wonderful I can see the teeth starting to fly out of both of them) Blake woke up very early before the sun was up and brought his money into my bed and told me he was rich!!! Then he couldn't go back to sleep becuase he was so excited. We were both very tired and dragged through the day but it was a fun memory. Then I tried to get the 1st lost tooth picture and it looked just the same as before since his other tooth was already in. OH well hopefully I will get my cute little oakie smile soon=)